ICO wants a strong international presence regardless of Brexit
The ICO has issued an international strategy which underlines its aim to retain a strong working relationship with its EU counterparts,...
UN Rapporteur demands respect for freedom of expression online
The United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression David Kaye ...
The ICO has published a revised Subject Access Code
The ICO has published a revised Subject Access Code of Practice. The ICO states that organisations should adopt a positive outlook on...
UK government committed to GDPR
In the Queen's Speech (outlining the new government's programme) today, the UK government has made its intention clear to legislate to...
Access to e-evidence: Inevitable sacrifice of our right to privacy?
What do you do when human rights “get in the way” of tackling crime and terrorism? You smash those pillars of your democratic values -...